13 septembre 2019 à 01h38min nicod_ 🐰🕚 @nicod_@mamot.fr

Et hop, une autre grosse tuerie...

Earth, Wind & Fire - September

1978 : 41 ans !!!

13 septembre 2019 à 01h29min nicod_ 🐰🕚 @nicod_@mamot.fr

Oliver Cheatham, Get Down Saturday Night

Ouuuhhh presque 40 ans après, ça donne toujours la fièvre !

12 septembre 2019 à 19h48min Incertain Plumes 👣 @sidobrianpenguin@mamot.fr

Ethnic Heritage Ensemble – Black is Back - YouTube

Quarante-cinq de carrière pour ce groupe qualifie “d'Afro Jazz futuriste” par certains. Il sort un nouvel album “Pharoa”, mais ce n'est pas ce titre que j'ai choisi pour vous le faire découvrir à l'heure de l'apéro.


12 septembre 2019 à 18h59min BigBird @madsugar@pouet.chapril.org

United By Skankin - La rage [Clip officiel]
Extrait de l'album "Far west moderne"

youtu.be/nYCZR3ruHqY #pouetradio #reggae

12 septembre 2019 à 18h21min Will Stochastique @will_stochastique@mastodon.host

"We are all so incredibly disconnected from one another. When you start thinking about it, about what it's wrong in the world, it all comes back to this fundamental problem that we seems to have, as human being, that we are unable to deeply connect with one another, and therefore to be able to help and take care to one another.
We are taught contradictory, hypocritical way of being. We are not taught to rely on one another, to take care of each others. "

"Capitalism ruined a lot of the process of making art. It cannot be to just make money. We made art to connect with each other."

Amanda Palmer live on KEXP

:youtube: youtu.be/vq0AASlHMKE

#tootradio #pouetradio #np #nowplaying